Grace Students
Grace Students exists to help students in Grades 6-12 become faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Students meet on Wednesday nights (during the school year) at the church from 6:15-8:15 p.m. for pizza, in-depth teaching, small group discussions, and worship.
Grace Students exists to help students in Grades 6-12 become faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Students meet on Wednesday nights (during the school year) at the church from 6:15-8:15 p.m. for pizza, in-depth teaching, small group discussions, and worship.
With an alarming rate of students leaving the faith once they get to college, we aim to cultivate a deeper understanding of the Gospel, equipping students to not only know what they believe but also to give a winsome defense for their hope in Christ, develop a foundational, biblical worldview, and love like Jesus.
Believing that parents are the ultimate trainers of their child’s faith, we seek to come alongside parents to reiterate what they are teaching at home and give students trustworthy leaders who will model a heart and life surrendered to Christ.
In addition to Wednesday night gatherings, students enjoy summer camp, a winter retreat, and events throughout the year. These are great opportunities for students to grow in their relationships with God and each other.
Contact Caleb Davis, Family Pastor, to learn more.